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p5-Text-Iconv Perl interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
p5-Unicode-EastAsianWidth Perl5 module that provides properties of East Asian characters
p5-Unicode-IMAPUtf7 Perl extension to deal with IMAP UTF7
p5-Unicode-Map Perl5 module that maps charsets from and to utf16 unicode
p5-Unicode-Map8 Perl5 module providing mapping tables between charsets
p5-Unicode-MapUTF8 Provides conversions for arbitrary character sets and UTF8
p5-Unicode-String Perl5 modules to handle various Unicode issues
p5-Unicode-UTF8simple Conversions to/from UTF8 from/to charactersets
pandoc Conversion between markup formats
pdf2svg Small utility to convert PDF files to SVG files
pear-I18n_UnicodeNormalizer PHP classes to provide Unicode Normalization
php-iconv PHP extension for character set conversion
php-mbstring PHP extension for multibyte characters support
php-recode PHP extension for recode support
pnm2ppa (V) Filter to convert PNM file to PPA used by some HP DJ printer
psiconv PSION 5 file format data conversion utilities
pstoedit (V) Convert PostScript / PDF into various vector graphic formats
pstotext Postscript to text converter
py-aafigure (V) ASCII art to image converter
py-arabic-reshaper Reconstruct Arabic sentences
py-base58 Base58 and Base58Check implementation
py-bidi Pure Python implementation of the BiDi layout algorithm
py-cairosvg Simple SVG Converter for Cairo
py-chardet Universal encoding detector for Python 3
py-chardet4 Character encoding auto-detection in Python
py-charset-normalizer Universal Charset Detector
py-confusable_homoglyphs Detect confusable usage of unicode homoglyphs
py-emoji ASCII<->Emoji conversion library for Python
py-fastbencode Implementation of bencode with optional fast C extensions
py-html-sanitizer (V) White-list based HTML sanitizer
py-html2text (V) Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text
py-html2text-2019.8.11 (V) Convert HTML into easy-to-read plain ASCII text
py-jpCodecs Python Unicode codecs for Japanese charsets
py-reedsolo Pure-Python Reed Solomon encoder/decoder
py-simplejson Simple, fast, complete and extensible JSON encoder/decoder
py-unicode-slugify Slug generator that turns strings into unicode slugs
py-yenc Python module for yenc decoding module in C
py-zfec Efficient, portable erasure coding tool
py-zhCodecs Python Unicode codecs for Chinese charsets
py27-cairosvg Simple SVG Converter for Cairo
pyzy Chinese PinYin and Bopomofo conversion library
qkc Quick Kanji code Converter
qrencode QR Code generator
R-base64enc Tools for base64 encoding
recode Convert files between character sets and usages
rpm2cpio Convert .rpm files for extraction with cpio, needs just perl
rss2html RSS to HTML converter
rtf2html Rich Text to HTML file converter
ru-d1489 CP866<->KOI8-R, CP1251<->KOI8-R and font converters acc. to RFC1489
ruby-Ascii85 Ascii85 encoder/decoder
ruby-hikidoc (V) Text-to-HTML conversion tool for web writers
ruby-romkan Romaji <-> Kana conversion library for Ruby
ruby-uconv Unicode conversion library with Japanese codesets support
ruby-unf Wrapper library to bring Unicode Normalization Form support
ruby-unf_ext Unicode Normalization Form support library for CRuby
skf Simple Kanji Filter - i18n kanji converter
smbchartool File name conversion tool for Samba
sratom Library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF
TECkit Low-level toolkit to perform encoding conversions
txt2html Plain text to HTML convertor
txt2man Convert flat ASCII text to man page format
txt2pdbdoc Text to Palm DOC converter
unix2dos Translate ASCII files to/from DOS (cr/lf) and UNIX (lf)
unoconv Convert any format supported by LibreOffice/OpenOffice
utf8proc C library for processing Unicode data
uudeview Program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex de-/encoding
uulib Library for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex de-/encoding
wkhtmltopdf Command line tools to render HTML into PDF
wv Library and executables to access Microsoft Word files
wv2 Library to access Microsoft Word files
xdeview X11 program for uu/xx/Base64/BinHex de-/encoding
xlhtml Microsoft xls/ppt to HTML converter
xlreader Converts the cells in a MS Excel file to text
yencode Encoder and decoder for yenc format